Thursday, April 8, 2010

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks.

Ladies and gentlemen, baseball season has officially started! I don't know about you, but there is nothing I would rather do on a beautiful spring day than sit out at the ball park with a beer and a hot dog. While reading my latest ESPN the Mag, I found these fun little statistics about America's favorite past-time.


In a typical MLB season there are....

  • 2,430 Games

  • 32,193 Strikeouts

  • 21,655 Innings

  • 22,850 Runs

  • 5,056 Home runs

  • 207 Ejections

  • 13,966 Pitching changes (Most pitching changes in a nine-inning game: 16 , Cardinals (9) vs. Pirates (7) 9/30/2007)

  • 21,733,839 Hot dogs sold (if you laid all the hot dogs sold in a typical season end-to-end, they would stretch from Fenway to Coors)

  • 74,485,560 Tickets sold

  • 1,200,000 Balls used

  • 50,000 Bats used

  • 1,726 Hit batters

  • 730 Demotions

  • 66 Trades (involving at least one MLB player)

  • 425 DL stints (Most commonly injured body part resulting in DL stint, 2005-09: Right shoulder/rotator- 336)

  • 3 Managerial changes

  • 31 Rainouts

  • 2 Snowouts


  1. I have a blogger favor.
    I have never really settled on a favorite profesional team. Could you give me your advice on choosing a good team to root for without being a bandwagoner and without choosing another loveable loser like the Cubbies? My ego can't handle two of those.


  2. Well Jake, no one quite has the heartache that Cubbies fans do, but I would avoid the Royals, Nationals, and Mets. If you don't want to seem like a bandwagon fan, I would also avoid the Yankees and the Red Sox. Steer clear of the Dodgers because of Manny Ramirez. Of course I would tell you to become a Cardinals fan, but seeing as how you are a Cubs fan then I doubt that is the team for you.

    My recommendation: The Minnesota Twins. It's a great team to transition too because they win a lot and have a great line-up, but they don't get all of the attention that the Yankees and the Red Sox do, so you are less likely to be branded a "Bandwagon" fan. Also, they are an AL team, so you can still root for the Cubbies without feeling guilty.
